God Bless America! Gospel singer Wintley Phipps
They Are Controlling The Weather & It’s Killing Our Planet
Does Your Vote Even Matter?
Ex CIA Officer Kevin Shipp Exposes the Shadow Government And What's Really Going On Behind The Scenes.
You Have No Idea!
Ex CIA Officer Kevin Shipp Exposes the Shadow Government And What's Really Going On Behind The Scenes.
You Have No Idea!
Part 2
The Daily Citizen exists to be your most trustworthy news source. Our team of analysts is devoted to giving you timely and relevant analysis of current events and cultural trends – all from a biblical worldview – so that you can be inspired and assured that the information you share with others comes from a reliable source.
There is no American tradition of separation of church and state
Mississippi is adding the words “In God We Trust” to its license plate, and that has sparked some interesting debate. Much of that debate focused on an idea we have come to accept as gospel: that we have an American tradition of separating religion and politics. We do not. We have been misinformed and misled by generations of public policy, education, and media leaders on the so-called “separation of church and state.” The concept has been so pervasive that we generally accept the idea that it is inappropriate to bring any faith-based ideas to the public square. The idea that we should separate religion — of any faith or denomination — from politics is not only false, it is virtually impossible. Click here to read more
Attack on religion is attack on American values
Emboldened by their successes in the courts and intimidation of public officials, leftists will no doubt make other demands; there's no logical end point except complete Christian capitulation. Religious programming on the radio and television will come under attack. After all, there's Federal Communications Commission permission to use the "public airwaves." If leftists say they have no such intention to go after television, radio and other public expressions of Christianity, what they really mean is that they haven't softened us up enough yet. I'm not quite sure of just how we should respond to the ongoing attack on Christianity and American values, but we'd better do something quickly. Click here to read more
If we simply treat other people the way we’d like to be treated, racism, abortion and other forms of inhumanity will be things of the past.” Dr. Alveda King
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