My Journey To Freedom
This website is about the freedom that it took me almost 19 years to find. The freedom I'm referring to is the freedom of being able to say what I want to say about God's word and not have to worry about what other churches, members, or preachers may say.
All of my life, I lived on eggs shells trying not to offend people and being afraid of losing speaking engagements. Because of this fear, my mind was hindered from reaching its full potential, it hindered me from thinking for myself. This was no one's fault but mine. It's one of the problems of belonging to "church groups" instead of being independent; I call it "herd mentality."
All Christians would say they have faith. I would ask, "What is your faith based on?" Is your faith based on what someone told you or what you know and can prove from the Scriptures yourself?"
This site is not about the church's faith or some group's faith. This site is about "My Faith" because that's the only faith that can save "Me."
All of my life, I lived on eggs shells trying not to offend people and being afraid of losing speaking engagements. Because of this fear, my mind was hindered from reaching its full potential, it hindered me from thinking for myself. This was no one's fault but mine. It's one of the problems of belonging to "church groups" instead of being independent; I call it "herd mentality."
All Christians would say they have faith. I would ask, "What is your faith based on?" Is your faith based on what someone told you or what you know and can prove from the Scriptures yourself?"
This site is not about the church's faith or some group's faith. This site is about "My Faith" because that's the only faith that can save "Me."
Copyright @ March 26th 2022