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True Happiness
Unity Among Christians Can't Involve Race
Show Mercy to the undeserving?
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy."Matthew 5:7
The above verse was said by Jesus during His sermon on the mount. It is located in a section of verses that have been called the "beatitudes." These beatitudes are simply attitudes that we need to possess as Christians. Being ready and willing to show mercy is one of those attitudes. |
We Are Saved By Works And There's No Reason To Stay Away From That Conclusion
You might not see the contradiction and for a long time I didn’t either and that could be because I didn’t want to. After really looking at these two verses, I was convinced it was a contradiction and one I needed to overcome. The contradiction is Ephesians 2:8-9 says we are not saved by works and James 2:24 says we are justified by works.
How Do You Respond To Someone Who Lies On You?
Being lied on is never fun, as a matter of fact, it can ruin your life. The sad thing is that those who lie on you may never have meant to destroy your life. Sometimes they mean to hurt you for the moment or just get you back for something that made them mad. Sometimes what is an outright lie to you, is a genuine misunderstanding by them.
Think Positive
One of the hardest things to do is to think positively during negative times. I think we by nature gravitate to the doom and gloom outcomes we expect to happen. However, you must find a way to increase your outlook on life so that you may experience more joy and less sadness. Proverbs 17:22 says “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”
Copyright @ www.myfaithonly.com March 26th 2022